Try a Week for FREE!
Get a bulleted planning checklist and MORE engaging printables to try out a FREE week of vocabulary lesson plans!
Teach critical vocabulary that help close reads and are found in over 80% of high-stakes standardized tests!
Included is a bulleted checklist to keep track of all the prep, printing and daily activities to make sure you keep on top of things.
What else is included?
1. anchor chart
2. interactive notebook page*
3. emergent reader*
4. printable bracelets*
5. activity pages for review or assessment*
6. directions with images*
Each lesson takes 10-15 minutes, 3 days out of the week. That's all you need to introduce and review with highly engaging printables!
*The sample printables are from the Mega Bundle that teaches the critical vocabulary introduced in K-2.
PLUS you'll get the chance to receive more purposeful resources that are in the works right now!