FREE 18 Day Personal Finance Course

Get your finances together. NOW.

A new you in 18 days.

Because personal finance should be free.


  • Day 1: Tracking Your Money + Calculating Your Savings Rate
  • Day 2: Sprucing Up Your Bank Accounts
  • Day 3: Expenses - Coffee and Snacks
  • Day 4: Expenses - Meals
  • Day 5: The Importance of Your Savings Rate and Compound Interest
  • Day 6: Expenses - Clothing and Accessories
  • Day 7: Expenses - Utilities: Cable, Wifi, Cell, Water, and Heat
  • Day 8: Expenses - Housing, Rent vs Buy
  • Day 9: Expenses - Transportation
  • Day 10: Debt - Student Loans: IBR, PAYE, PSLF, and Refinancing
  • Day 11: Debt Payoff Order - CCs, Loans, Mtg, etc.
  • Day 12: Investing: Retirement Accounts - 401k and IRA
  • Day 13: Investing - Brokerage Accounts vs. Robo-Advisors
  • Day 14: Investing - HSA, FSA, and Medical Insurance
  • Day 15: Investing - Education tax-advantaged accounts: 529, and Coverdell
  • Day 16: Side Hustles at Home
  • Day 17: Other easy side hustles
  • Day 18: Putting it all together - Where's your retirement date now?
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