"The advice [in this course] would have saved me $9,000 on my degree, and my husband and son may have benefited from a more sane, less stressed mama during that period."

There's more than one way to earn a master's degree in education.

5 Days to a More Confident M.Ed Decision

A free, 5-day email course.

In this course, you learn the thought process that led to me confidently deciding where and how I'd earn my M.Ed. For the next five days, I'll show up into your inbox and give you some things to think about as you consider this big choice.

Learn what Stefanie says could have saved her time and money. This isn't a sales pitchy thing; there's nothing I'm going to ask you to buy at the end.

booyah, dave. sign me up.

Great! This is going to be fun.

Some of the things we'll cover:

  • Setting realistic expectations (and thereby lowering your blood pressure)
  • Angles from which to consider your options
  • Thinking economically in the truest sense
  • The exact process I went through when deciding on my M.Ed and my methods for vetting the decision.

Plus: the consequences of my choice, viewed nearly three years after graduation.

And yes, that's my Marlena and I. We don't have time to stress about an M.Ed.