How to Rent Your House Out in 7 Days!
This free 7 day course is broken out into the below daily topics. Each day we will cover a new topic that includes the tools you will need to be a successful Landlord. In each topic will be links to resources and articles that will allow you to dive into a subject deeper if you wish too.
Day 1: How to choose your Rent Price!
Day 2: How to create a Kick ASS Name Taking Lease!
Day 3: How and Where to Create Your Listing!
Day 4: How to Set Up your Showing!
Day 5: How to Screen Your Tenant!
Day 6: How to Choose the The Best Candidate!
Day 7: How to sign the Lease and Receive Funds!
Happy Landlording!!!
This FREE 7 day course will give you the tools to successfully rent your house out!